summer flowers: an introduction to flower essences 

August 4, 2024 from 3-5 pm EST
hosted by Seagrape Apothecary ~ class is online! 

We will gather around the essence bowl to honor the flowers when they are most vibrant. Flower essences are energetic remedies used in herbal practice and self-care for supporting energetic shifts in the soul and spirit. They are simple and accessible while being deeply transformational. Working with flower essences is a creative practice in itself and this class will explore the basics of making essences, working with the remedies, and creating a general practice around floral devotion. We will go over how to dose, ritual ways to use essences, specific remedies for the season, and more. Students will leave feeling ready to open to the magic of the flowers and will be encouraged to create their own floral remedies at home.

Together, we will explore:
  • how to use flower essences in your daily life
  • ways to incorporate ritual into your flower essence practice
  • different flowers and their magical properties
  • ways to create your own flower essences at home

tickets are available here