I’m thrilled to bring HMS back to it’s original, in-person form in 2025. 

We will meet in Red Hook, NY
beginning in March & ending in December.

Our classroom space will change as the months do: a heated greenhouse, a yurt, outdoors - in the garden and in the field.

This is a program that focuses on plant energetics and magical plant practice. In Herbal Mystery School we do not aim to define what plants do, rather we open ourselves to being in devotional relationship with plants. Each month with our plant initiation, magical practices are offered to accompany and deepen your time with every plant. We embody the mysteries of each plant through these practices.

May we be moved by mystery.

We work with one plant a month in Herbal Mystery School: in ceremony, in poetry, in ritual and in medicine.

Students will also be working on creating their own system of divination, writing devotional hyms to the plants and maintaining a consistent dreamwork practice. Additional readings and ritual practices are offered each month. 


All classes are hosted on Saturdays from 10 am - 4 pm

Saturday, March 15
Saturday, April 12
Saturday, May 10
Saturday, June 7
Saturday, July 12
(no class in August)
Saturday, Sept 13
Saturday, Oct 11
Saturday, Nov. 8
Saturday, Dec 6



Includes all tinctures, essences and dried plant material for each plant to work with throughout the month.

A payment plan is available for anyone who needs it: 3 payments of $500 due in March, May and July. 


Enrollment is currently closed. 

a note from Liz about the program:

It is common in herbal education programs to learn about 50-100 medicinal plants in one year. That's a lot of plants! And I think it's a lot like speed dating: you learning some general, basic points about each plant to find the way it can work for you in your life and then you move on to the next. I think this does the plant realm a huge disservice. The plants are so much more than just a few basic herbal actions. It's also a lie to say that they are just here to help us as physical medicine; they have their own minds, their own way of relating in the world, their own quirks and truths and personalities.

What has been so profound about plant medicine to me is not just the way the plants can support my intention for physical well-being, but that they are incredible teachers and friends. They hold space. They release tears. They set strong boundaries. They show me how to be big, how to wield my sword. They have made me get on my knees to listen. They open dream gates. They walk me through fire. They ask me for help too. They are facilitators of big magic. They have put me in touch with the invisible. That which is the mystery.

The biggest gift here is the act of collaboration, the reciprocity between plant and human. The art of relationship. This is the magic they have brought into my life. We are living in a time when we need to be in cahoots with the weeds outside our front doors, the owls that hoot in the pines, the water that we drink, the boulders that slowly murmur of eternity, the swift fox, the wind that rolls through and dances with our hair, the breath of the Earth. Cosmos and All. The real magic of the plants has brought me home to belonging.  Nine years ago I started Herbal Mystery School as a way to work deeply and magically with the plants. To enter into ritual collaboration. I hope you will consider joining us this spring.