only when you stop
and sit for a while
among the wild hyacinths
do you know where desire
was leading you

on a stone beside water
listening to the water
and to something else
serious and delicate
playing behind the sounds

- from "The Grey Fold" by Thomas. A Clark

The road of Herbal Mystery School is lined with white birches; sappy, starry candles that we carry as lanterns into our months together. Birch gives birth to the forest in early spring; so birch is our first oracle, our first guide, our first shrine. Paper-skinned Birch is the flowering maypole of our village dance. For the rest of the year, with each spin around the maypole, we follow the bone-rhythm of Birch as the road opens to other plant initiators: we knot the lush green fiber of Nettle around our hips, we sing the harmonized, honeyed, hymns of Hawthorn to the bees and we sip on the nectar of Roses to loosen our limbs and unfurl every petal. Other plants (who are to be revealed further along) will tie their magic ribbons to the birch and join us in the dance.

Each month begins with a plant initiation. We cross the threshold into a ritual cycle, opening to the mysteries of this plant. We are practitioners of devotional collaboration. The work of Herbal Mystery School is ceremonial. Our plant ceremonies emerge through divination, offering, meditation, trance, folklore, dream tending, poetry and art exploration. The work of Herbal Mystery School is earthly. We brew the tea, bathe with the plants, we drop tinctures into our water, we feast on the plants.  Even though our cohort is not physically together, we hold each other in the web. A lot of our rituals and plant work may be personal, but when they are offered in the group they become stronger, part of our community folklore. Sometimes we forget to take the plants, but the other participants in our cohort invite us back into presence through deep witnessing, discussion and reflection.

This is a program that focuses on plant energetics and magical plant practice. In Herbal Mystery School we do not aim to define what plants do, rather we open ourselves to being in devotional relationship with plants. Each month with our plant initiation, magical practices are offered to accompany and deepen your time with every plant. We embody the mysteries of each plant through these practices. 

May we be moved by mystery. 

We work with one plant a month in Herbal Mystery School. Students will also be working on creating their own system of divination, writing devotional hyms to the plants and maintaining a consistent dreamwork practice. Additional readings and ritual practices are offered each month. 

2025 DATES 

Herbal Mystery School meets 2x a month 
Classes are held on a Monday and a Sunday of every month.

Sunday classes are our plant initiation days.
These classes are held in ritual space.
Each Sunday, Liz offers a teaching around a particular magical practice and tradition
to support the deepening of the expereince with the plants.

Mondays are our harvest days.
We hold our experiences together in the community cauldron and learn from one another
about our devotional time with the plants.

Monday classes (harvest sessions) meet from 12-2 pm EST
and Sunday classes (initiations) meet from 12-3 pm EST. 
Please note that for our first month together, there is one additional mandatory class in March. 

2025 DATES

Monday, March 3 and Sunday, March 9
Monday, March 10 (from 2-4 pm EST)
Monday, April 7 and Sunday, April 13
Monday, May 5 and Sunday, May 11
Monday, June 2 and Sunday, June 8
Monday, July 7 and Sunday, July 13
Monday, August 4 and Sunday, August 10
Monday, September 1 and Sunday, September 7
Monday, October 6 and Sunday, October 12
Monday, November 12 and Sunday, November 9
Monday, December 1 and Sunday, December 7

A note on attendance:

Due to the intimate and participatory nature of this course, students are required to be present for the class sessions. Missing one or two classes for unforeseen reasons is understandable but
please consider that missing three or more classes greatly affects the group integrity and dynamic.
While recordings are available to you if you miss a class, your participation is crucial.
If you miss more than three classes, your participation in the program will be incomplete and unfinished. 


~ A large parcel from Liz of tinctures, essences and dried plant material from each plant of our ritual year. This is a box of homemade medicine that is made with intention and care. This box contains over $350 worth of medicines as well as some other goodies for class. 

~ An thirty minute one-on-one meeting with Liz that can be booked at anytime throughout the program to ask questions, receive support and further explore class materials.

~ A closing certificate and parting gift to be received upon completion of the program. 

~ An online class hub (hosted on Discord) for checking in with each other, sharing our experiences with the plants and continuing the converstaion outside of class time. 

Interested in Herbal Mystery School 2025? 
Join us for an informational council meeting on zoom to learn about the program and ask questions! 
Tuesday, October 29 at 4 pm EST - Register HERE


The tutition for the 2025 year is $2,000.

Upon acceptance, a $400 deposit is required to hold your spot. This deposit allows Liz to begin to prepare the medicines for the year ahead and cover for material supplies and shipping.
This deposit is non-refundable. 

Payment plans are available as follows:
4 payments of $400 due in March, May, July and September.
2 payments of $800 due in March and September.

Applications for HMS 2025 will open at the end of October 2024. 

This program is open to 12 participants.