Flowering Round is an tenth-month council on flower essences, practitioner skills and entering the realm of Flora.
We gather around the bowl of flowers and sip from the Mother:
Welcome Flora, Welcome Flowers, Welcome Friends
This offering picks up from the end of the Turning Toward The Flower course and carries forward the seeds of place-based medicine making, building relationships with plants and personal ritual. In this facilitated learning container we will strengthen flower essence praxis through crafting personal essence remedies, learning a template of exploratory research & proving methods for your creations, practicing formulation and working with others.
Flowering Round is a course for health care practitioners, teachers and artists of all kinds who want to incorporate essences into their practice as well as anyone who simply wants to invite the magic of flower essences into their life. This course is an essence practitioner training that is rooted in working with plants of our own bioregions and ancestral lineages rather than a particular brand of flower essence line. The course honors the ebbs and flows of the body, mind and spirit as we move through the seasons of the wheel of the year.
Floral devotion
Elemental essences
Energetics of flower myths
Seasonal remedies
Methods of proving flower essences
Approaches for essence research & plant profiles
Selecting essences
The art of formulation
Finding the Crossroads: Core themes
Energetics of plant families
Protocols for working with clients
Practitioner integrity & care
Protection magic
Plant poetics, dreamwork & art making
Case studies
Group essence sharing
Students will not only be crafting, researching and proving their own essences but they will also be weaving the tapestry of collective wisdom by participating in group essence testing and inquiry. We will have both large and small group discussion, activities and rituals for working with these mystery essences as a group.
Outside of class time, participants will have homework that includes research, reading, writing, art-making, ritual crafting and dream work.
Flowering Round meets 2 x a month
Classes are held on a Monday and Friday of every month
Monday classes meet from 3-5 pm EST
Friday classes meet from 12-3 pm EST
Monday, March 3 & Friday, March 7
Monday, April 7 & Friday, April 11
Monday, May 5 & Friday, May 9
Monday, June 2 & Friday, June 6
Monday, July 7 & Friday, July 11
Monday, August 4 & Friday, August 8
Monday, September 1 & Friday, September 5
Monday, October 6 & Friday, October 10
Monday, November 3 & Friday, November 7
Monday, December 1 & Friday, December 5
(our final Friday class in December will be from 12-4 pm EST)